How to Fix the Achievement Gaps
by Martin Scanlan & Rebecca Lowenhaupt A bumper sticker slogan reads, “If you want peace, work for justice.” The educational corollary goes something like this: “If you want to close achievement gaps, eliminate opportunity gaps.” Link to Full Article |
New Latino Diaspora and School Access by Rebecca Lowenhaupt In schools in the New Latino Diaspora, Spanish speaking families now have access to school practices but still have difficulty actively engaging with them. Link to Full Article |
Considering the Whole Child
Participated in a conference co-hosted by the Lynch School of Education and ASCD focused on education reform for the whole child. Link to a Video about the conference |

Research that Informs the Immigration Debate
One of three Lynch School of Education professors who discussed their research on immigration and public policy at the ninth annual Faculty Scholars Luncheon on February 3 at Boston College.
Link to an Article and Video from the Colloquia