Leadership PracticeWhat is the nature of principal practice in the context of reform? Much of my research focuses on principal's everyday practice. Working with a range of stakeholders to implement change, principals navigate a wide variety of complex and often contentious interactions. This work includes the study of principal talk, the key medium for those interactions. Additionally, I explore how principal interactions relate to instructional improvement efforts, focusing on the supervision and evaluation of teachers.
Funded by the National Science Foundation (co-PI with Katherine McNeill, Boston College), this project consists of the research and development of a set of online materials and mobile application software to support principals’ knowledge and instructional supervision of the scientific practices in the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). The goals of the ILSP project include: 1) investigate principals’ current knowledge about scientific practices and methods for supervision of science instruction; 2) Develop online and a mobile app resources for principals and, 3) evaluate the impact of the ILSP resources on principals’ knowledge of scientific practices and their supervision of science teachers. Website: www.sciencepracticesleadership.com
Given recent demographic trends, school leaders must support growing cultural and linguistic diversity. This project seeks to define the skills, knowledge and support school leaders need to implement effective, equitable learning opportunities for English Language Learners (ELLs). Drawing on research across multiple domains, this project includes a literature review of existing research, as well as the design and evaluation of a course tailored for principals working with ELLs.
Selected Publications
Lowenhaupt, R. & McNeill, K. (Forthcoming). Making the case for K8 science supervision: Subject-specific instructional leadership in an era of reform. Leadership and Policy in Schools.
McNeill, K., Lowenhaupt, R., & Katsh-Singer, R. (Forthcoming). Instructional leadership and the implementation of the NGSS: Principals’ understandings of science practices. Science Education.
Hargreaves, A. & Lowenhaupt, R. (2017). Leading with consistency: How the ends don’t always justify the means (and vice versa). In Waite, D. (Ed.), The International Handbook of Education and Leadership. (pp.63-78). Oxford, UK: Wiley Blackwell.
Lowenhaupt, R., Spillane, J., & Hallett, T. (2016). Accountability talk: Pulling down institutional logics in organizational practice. Journal of School Leadership, 26(5), 783-810.
Scanlan, M. & Lowenhaupt, R. (2015). Educational leadership in medium and small urban districts serving the New Mainstream. In I. Sutherland, K. Sanzo, and J. Scribner (Eds.), Leading small and mid-sized urban school districts. (pp. 223-240). Bingley, UK: Emerald Group Publishing.
Lowenhaupt, R. (2014). The language of leadership: Principal rhetoric in everyday practice. Journal of Educational Administration, 52(4), 446-468.
Lowenhaupt, R., McKinney, S., & Reeves, T. (2014). Coaching in Context: The Role of Relationships in the Work of Three Literacy Coaches. Professional Development in Education, 40(5), 740-757.
McNeill, K., Lowenhaupt, R., & Katsh-Singer, R. (Forthcoming). Instructional leadership and the implementation of the NGSS: Principals’ understandings of science practices. Science Education.
Hargreaves, A. & Lowenhaupt, R. (2017). Leading with consistency: How the ends don’t always justify the means (and vice versa). In Waite, D. (Ed.), The International Handbook of Education and Leadership. (pp.63-78). Oxford, UK: Wiley Blackwell.
Lowenhaupt, R., Spillane, J., & Hallett, T. (2016). Accountability talk: Pulling down institutional logics in organizational practice. Journal of School Leadership, 26(5), 783-810.
Scanlan, M. & Lowenhaupt, R. (2015). Educational leadership in medium and small urban districts serving the New Mainstream. In I. Sutherland, K. Sanzo, and J. Scribner (Eds.), Leading small and mid-sized urban school districts. (pp. 223-240). Bingley, UK: Emerald Group Publishing.
Lowenhaupt, R. (2014). The language of leadership: Principal rhetoric in everyday practice. Journal of Educational Administration, 52(4), 446-468.
Lowenhaupt, R., McKinney, S., & Reeves, T. (2014). Coaching in Context: The Role of Relationships in the Work of Three Literacy Coaches. Professional Development in Education, 40(5), 740-757.