*=student or former student
Hegseth, W. M., Lowenhaupt, R., Oliveira, G., Bruhn, S., & Lai, B. (2025). Toward a Framework for Educational Leadership for Well-being. Journal of Ethical Educational Leadership, 8(1), 53–78.
Lowenhaupt, R., Hegseth, W., Oliveira, G., & Lai, B. (2024). Co-Designing a Children’s Cabinet: A School District-University Partnership to Improve Youth Well-being Post-pandemic. Journal of Educational Administration.
Queenan, J.*, Andrade González, P.*, Lowenhaupt, R., Mangual Figueroa, A. (2024). Supporting Immigrants in School: Educators’ Personal and Professional Identities in Context. Leadership and Policy in Schools, 1–23.
Lowenhaupt, R., Oliveira, G., Lima Becker, M.*, Lai, B. (2024). Community Leaders’ Sensemaking of Environmental Jolts: Stabilizing and Silver Lining Framing of Disruption. Journal of Community Practice.
Weddle, H., Hopkins, M., Lowenhaupt, R., Kangas, S. (2024). Fostering Shared Responsibility for Multilingual Learners Across Levels of the Education System. Educational Researcher.
Lai, B.S., Oliveira, G., Lowenhaupt, R., *Montes, M., & *Riobueno-Naylor, A. (2024). The important role of schools following disaster events. National Academies of Medicine Perspectives.
Lowenhaupt, R., McNeill, K.L., Katsh-Singer, R.*, Cherbow, K.*, Lowell, B. R.* (2021). Supervising Science: Incorporating Science Practices into K-8 Schools. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.
Lowenhaupt, R. & Theoharis, G. (Eds.) (2021). Parenting in the Pandemic: The Collision of School, Work, and Life at Home. A Collection of Essays. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
Spillane, J. & Lowenhaupt, R. (2019). Navigating the Principalship: Key Insights For New and Aspiring Leaders. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.
Yammine, J.* & Lowenhaupt, R. (2024). Leveraging Existing Educator Expertise: Serving Latinx Students in the Rural Southeast. In E. Hamann, S. Herrera, S. Wortham, & E. Murillo (Eds.), Teaching and Learning in the New Latino Diaspora: Creating Culturally Responsive Practices. New York, NY: Teachers College Press.
Lowenhaupt, R. (2021). School leadership in the United States: Evolving responsibilities in times of change. In R. Normand, L. Moos, L. Min, P. Tulowitzki (Eds.), The cultural and social foundations of educational leadership. An international comparison. (pp. 175-192). Switzerland: Springer.
Lowenhaupt, R. (2021). The structure of leadership language: Rhetorical and linguistic methods for studying instructional improvement. In A. Oude Voote Beverborg (Ed.), Concepts, Designs, and Methods in School Improvement Research. (pp. 137-153). Switzerland: Springer.
Lowenhaupt, R. & Scanlan, M. (2020). Lessons from the primary and secondary school context: Building capacity to support migrant and refugee students. In H. deWit, T. DeLaquil, H. Ergin, A. Khajarian, & L. Unangst (Eds.), Refugees and higher education: Transnational perspectives on access, equity, and internationalization. (pp. 275-294). Boston, MA: Brill Sense USA.
Lowenhaupt, R., DelPorto, J., & Endara, Y. (2019). Innovating practices in new immigrant destinations: A University-School District Partnership focused on family engagement. In L. Dorner & E. Crawford (Eds.), Educational Leadership of Immigrants: Case Studies in Times of Change. (pp. 155-165). New York, NY: Routledge/Taylor & Francis.
Lowenhaupt, R. (January 4, 2023). Partnering through Disruption: Responsive Research with Communities in Crisis. Blogpost for the W.T. Grant Foundation.
Lowenhaupt, R. & Katsh-Singer, R. (2022). Discussing the Instructional Leaders’ Guide to K-8 Science. New Hampshire ASCD Podcast.
Lowenhaupt, R. (2022). Lead the Change Q&A. Newsletter for the Educational Change SIG of the American Education Research Association. Issue No. 127.
Lowenhaupt, R., Hopkins, M., & Weddle, H. (2021). Fostering Shared Responsibility for English Learner Education across Remote, Hybrid, and In-person Learning Environments. In Hopkins, M. & Weddle, H. (Eds). Restart & Recovery: State Leadership Guide for Engaging Stakeholders in Continuous Improvement of English Learner Programs & Services During COVID and Beyond. CCSSO: Washington D.C.
Lowenhaupt, R., Mangual Figueroa, A., Dabach, D.B, Gonzales, R.G., Yammine, J., Morales, M., Tesfa, E., Andrade, P. and Queenan, J. (2020). Connectivity and Creativity in the Time of COVID19: Immigrant Serving Districts Respond to the Pandemic. Immigration Initiative at Harvard Issue Brief Series no. 4, Cambridge MA: Harvard University.
*=student or former student
Hegseth, W. M., Lowenhaupt, R., Oliveira, G., Bruhn, S., & Lai, B. (2025). Toward a Framework for Educational Leadership for Well-being. Journal of Ethical Educational Leadership, 8(1), 53–78.
Lowenhaupt, R., Hegseth, W., Oliveira, G., & Lai, B. (2024). Co-Designing a Children’s Cabinet: A School District-University Partnership to Improve Youth Well-being Post-pandemic. Journal of Educational Administration.
Queenan, J.*, Andrade González, P.*, Lowenhaupt, R., Mangual Figueroa, A. (2024). Supporting Immigrants in School: Educators’ Personal and Professional Identities in Context. Leadership and Policy in Schools, 1–23.
Lowenhaupt, R., Oliveira, G., Lima Becker, M.*, Lai, B. (2024). Community Leaders’ Sensemaking of Environmental Jolts: Stabilizing and Silver Lining Framing of Disruption. Journal of Community Practice.
Weddle, H., Hopkins, M., Lowenhaupt, R., Kangas, S. (2024). Fostering Shared Responsibility for Multilingual Learners Across Levels of the Education System. Educational Researcher.
Lai, B.S., Oliveira, G., Lowenhaupt, R., *Montes, M., & *Riobueno-Naylor, A. (2024). The important role of schools following disaster events. National Academies of Medicine Perspectives.
Lowenhaupt, R., McNeill, K.L., Katsh-Singer, R.*, Cherbow, K.*, Lowell, B. R.* (2021). Supervising Science: Incorporating Science Practices into K-8 Schools. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.
Lowenhaupt, R. & Theoharis, G. (Eds.) (2021). Parenting in the Pandemic: The Collision of School, Work, and Life at Home. A Collection of Essays. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
Spillane, J. & Lowenhaupt, R. (2019). Navigating the Principalship: Key Insights For New and Aspiring Leaders. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.
Yammine, J.* & Lowenhaupt, R. (2024). Leveraging Existing Educator Expertise: Serving Latinx Students in the Rural Southeast. In E. Hamann, S. Herrera, S. Wortham, & E. Murillo (Eds.), Teaching and Learning in the New Latino Diaspora: Creating Culturally Responsive Practices. New York, NY: Teachers College Press.
Lowenhaupt, R. (2021). School leadership in the United States: Evolving responsibilities in times of change. In R. Normand, L. Moos, L. Min, P. Tulowitzki (Eds.), The cultural and social foundations of educational leadership. An international comparison. (pp. 175-192). Switzerland: Springer.
Lowenhaupt, R. (2021). The structure of leadership language: Rhetorical and linguistic methods for studying instructional improvement. In A. Oude Voote Beverborg (Ed.), Concepts, Designs, and Methods in School Improvement Research. (pp. 137-153). Switzerland: Springer.
Lowenhaupt, R. & Scanlan, M. (2020). Lessons from the primary and secondary school context: Building capacity to support migrant and refugee students. In H. deWit, T. DeLaquil, H. Ergin, A. Khajarian, & L. Unangst (Eds.), Refugees and higher education: Transnational perspectives on access, equity, and internationalization. (pp. 275-294). Boston, MA: Brill Sense USA.
Lowenhaupt, R., DelPorto, J., & Endara, Y. (2019). Innovating practices in new immigrant destinations: A University-School District Partnership focused on family engagement. In L. Dorner & E. Crawford (Eds.), Educational Leadership of Immigrants: Case Studies in Times of Change. (pp. 155-165). New York, NY: Routledge/Taylor & Francis.
Lowenhaupt, R. (January 4, 2023). Partnering through Disruption: Responsive Research with Communities in Crisis. Blogpost for the W.T. Grant Foundation.
Lowenhaupt, R. & Katsh-Singer, R. (2022). Discussing the Instructional Leaders’ Guide to K-8 Science. New Hampshire ASCD Podcast.
Lowenhaupt, R. (2022). Lead the Change Q&A. Newsletter for the Educational Change SIG of the American Education Research Association. Issue No. 127.
Lowenhaupt, R., Hopkins, M., & Weddle, H. (2021). Fostering Shared Responsibility for English Learner Education across Remote, Hybrid, and In-person Learning Environments. In Hopkins, M. & Weddle, H. (Eds). Restart & Recovery: State Leadership Guide for Engaging Stakeholders in Continuous Improvement of English Learner Programs & Services During COVID and Beyond. CCSSO: Washington D.C.
Lowenhaupt, R., Mangual Figueroa, A., Dabach, D.B, Gonzales, R.G., Yammine, J., Morales, M., Tesfa, E., Andrade, P. and Queenan, J. (2020). Connectivity and Creativity in the Time of COVID19: Immigrant Serving Districts Respond to the Pandemic. Immigration Initiative at Harvard Issue Brief Series no. 4, Cambridge MA: Harvard University.